Friday, December 27, 2019

Healthcare Professional Organization And Community Service

Healthcare Professional Organization and Community Service: Review and Analyses Membership within healthcare professional organizations and community service organizations can be very beneficial to one’s career within healthcare management. In this paper, I will review and analyze three healthcare professional organizations: the American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management, the Health Care Administrators Association, and the Association for Healthcare Administrative Professionals. I will identify the key characteristics that make each organization unique. Additionally, I will address the advantages and disadvantages of joining each of these organizations. In the final section, I will briefly describe the American Red Cross and discuss how volunteering within the community can help one develop essential skills necessary to excel in a career within healthcare management. The American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM) is a professional organization that aims to educate and certify healthcare professionals in areas of reimbursement, admitting and registrations, data management, medical records, and patient relations (American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management, 2015). Additionally, AAHAM members have access to a space for networking and to a job bank for assistance in their career search for a moderate membership fee of only $190 per year (American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management, 2015).Show MoreRelatedThe Moral Code Of Ethics924 Words   |  4 PagesThe moral code of ethics as healthcare professionals is we have a responsibility and a moral code to our patients and the others we serve and they are: â€Å"Work to ensure the existence of a process to evaluate the quality of care or service rendered; to avoid practicing or facilitating discrimination and institute safeguards to prevent dis criminatory organizational practices; work to ensure the existence of a process that will advise patients or others served of the rights, opportunities, responsibilitiesRead MoreIssues Facing the Healthcare Services Sector1315 Words   |  5 PagesHealthcare Services Human services entail the services that meet human needs and are crucial in the society. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

William Shakespeare s The Ghost - 2084 Words

One of the most debated questions is Shakespearean literature is that of Hamlet’s delay in killing Claudius. Even after he has been told by the ghost of his dead father that he was killed while sleeping and the person who did the act is now the king. â€Å"sleeping in my orchard, A serpent stung me† and that â€Å"The serpent that did sting thy father’s life Now wears his crown.† (Shakespeare and Jordan Act I Scene V). The ghost then tells Hamlet to avenge his death because not only has Claudius killed him he has corrupted Denmark. However, the worst thing that Claudius has done according to the ghost is corrupt Gertrude, who has committed the sin of incest by marrying her husband’s brother. Despite this the ghost does not want Gertrude harmed as shown when he tells Hamlet â€Å"Leave her to heaven, and to those thorns that in her bosom lodge, to prick and sting her.† (Shakespeare and Jordan Act I Scene V). This is not because he does not wa nt her to suffer. Instead it is because he feels that she will suffer more by way of a guilty conscious then by death. Whereas he does not believe that Claudius would feel guilt over his death. Plus, by Claudius killing him while he was sleeping, he was denied the ability to atone for his sins which is the reason that he is now in purgatory. However, Hamlet does not act in haste to do the ghost’s bidding, but seeks to find ways to refrain from acting. This paper will look at six possible reasons for this delay. Reason number 1 The sentimentalShow MoreRelatedThe Ghost Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet1030 Words   |  5 PagesIn William Shakespeare s Hamlet, the ghost of King Hamlet is a subtle character who has a major effect on Hamlet during the play. Although he appears very little, the ghost causes Hamlet to not think correctly, not act his normal self, and make people think he has gone insane. The ghost’s presence is not always clear and only speaks to Hamlet in the story, which makes other characters think Hamlet is going crazy. Throughout the play, the ghost only appears four times throughout the play, but everyRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Ghosts 1116 Words   |  5 PagesThe ghosts who shout out urgently in the pages of More’s Supplication were dread that they are being overlooked, the ghosts are swung to obscurity by cynics and reassigned to Hell in the compositions of the victorious Protestants, and the ghosts are progressively marked as the fictions of the bra in. Theses do not altogether disappear in the later sixteenth century, instead, they turn up onstage (Greenblatt 151). As the main Renaissance English writers, William Shakespeare completely participatesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Ghost 2757 Words   |  12 Pageswith a firm disobedience, ‘I will my lord, I pray you pardon me.’. The transformation of Gertrude from a bewildered victim to a woman deserving of the title ‘Th’imperial join tress of this warlike state’ is similar to Emilia’s confession in ‘Othello’’s finale. Both villains of Shakespeare’s tragedies never foresaw their wives’ disobedience and this inadequacy proved to be lethal in leading to their cataclysmic demise. Shakespeare’s conveyance of misogynistic attitudes can also be seen in ‘Othello’Read MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Hamlet And The Ghost Essay1550 Words   |  7 Pageswho â€Å"is responsible for the death of Ophelia.† Although Gertrude seems innocent of the death of King Hamlet, Graf believes â€Å"Gertrude is considered to be guilty not by her own actions or words but by the words of two key characters, Hamlet and the Ghost;† these two characters suggest that the Queen is â€Å"sensuous and disloyal,† even if not openly aware of her first husband’s murder (Graf). These contrasting views of Queen Gertrude reveal the many possible answers to readers who question whether QueenRead MoreThe Ghost Of William Shakespeare s Hamlet 2253 Words   |  10 Pagesjoin Bernardo. The guards talk about the strange ghost that they have seen for the past two nights around the same time. They claim that it is the ghost of the recently deceased Ki ng Hamlet. Horatio, who is skeptical, has been brought along to try to communicate with the ghost if it shows up. The ghost does appear, and it looks exactly like King Hamlet; interestingly, he is in full armor and suited for battle. Horatio tries to speak to it, but the ghost does not reply and then disappears. HoratioRead MoreMinor Characters Of William Shakespeare s The Ghost 1425 Words   |  6 Pagescharacter seen very little in the play, the Ghost is an important character that is inherently evil in nature that only wishes to corrupt others and cause blood to spill. Seen later in the first act of the play, the ghost was avoided by the guards who first witnessed its arrival in the royal castle of Denmark. The guards themselves did not believe that the spirit was real and thus Marcellus then decides to bring Horatio to on watch with him to prove that the ghost was real. Horatio is very educated andRead MoreEssay on Hamlet Metaphor1089 Words   |  5 Pagesconcept in a literary work. This is the case in William Shakespeares Hamlet, a revenge tragedy that continually depicts the vibrant metaphors of manifesting corruption and festering disease in order to auger the impending calamities in the state of Denmark. Throughout Shakespeares play, there are successive images of deterioration, decay and death. These images are skilfully accomplished through the use of metaphors of rotting and dead gardens. Shakespeare wonderfully creates these metaphors thatRead MorePerfect Idealism In Shakespeares Hamlet1631 Words   |  7 PagesThe play Hamlet is a fable of how the ghost of a slain king comes to haunt the living with disastrous consequences. A rancorous ghost and a brother s murder, lead the gloomy setting of Hamlet s Denmark. Hamlet story opens with an encounter between young Hamlet, his dad s ghost as well as the prince of Denmark. The ghost reveals to Hamlet that its murderer was his brother Claudius, who then rapidly wedded his widowed queen, Gertrude. As a result, the ghost presses Hamlet to seek vengeance on theRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Sanity Vs. Insanity1742 Words   |  7 PagesWesley Ray Elliott December 7th, 2015 Honors English IV Mrs. Joyner Sanity VS. Insanity â€Å"Hamlet represents the mid period of the growth of Shakespeare s genius, when comedy and history ceased to be adequate for the expression of his deeper thoughts and sadder feelings about life, and when he was entering upon his great series of tragic writings† (The World s Best Essays from the Earliest Period to the Present Time). Hamlet’s actions are entirely too extreme for him to be faking his insanity. HamletRead MoreEssay on Vengeance in Shakespeares Hamlet - The Theme of Revenge1162 Words   |  5 Pagesthe first act, Hamlet meets the ghost of his deceased father. He is brought to see him by Horatio and Marcellus, who saw the ghost yesternight (Shakespeare 1.2.190). During this exchange of words between the Ghost and Hamlet, the Ghost tells Hamlet, [s]o art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear. (Shakespeare 1.5.5). He is telling Hamlet to listen closely to what he has to say. Then he tells Hamlet to [r]evenge his foul and most unnatural murder (Shakespeare 1.5.23). When Hamlet finds out that

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Marketing Practices Questions

Question: What are the marketing practices and how do they apply to your organization or an organization that you are familiar with? Answer: 1. What are the marketing practices and how do they apply to your organization or an organization that you are familiar with? There are few things that are considered as the vital and indispensible part of an organization that is the marketing practices. The marketing practices of an organization are important in order to enhance and behold its position in the competitive environment of the industrial domain. The marketing practices of an organization includes the customer relationship management, human resource management, along with managing all other aspect of an organization in order to gain more profit and survive in the competitive environment. The marketing practices of Starbucks coffee can be cited in this regard which is situated in Seattle. The marketing strategies of Starbucks coffee are being exercised by keeping the fact of customer satisfaction as the most primary object of the organization. The mentioned organization adapted an effective strategy in relation to customer relationship management which has placed the organization in the leading position in the US (Dorn et al. 2016). 2. Planning and organizational skills. In this part the marketing skills and the capability to manage an opening day for a new business generated by the blisters hardware store in west Sydney would be discussed. As the manager have a budget of $ 30,000 for the concerned occasion, there has a need for marketing practices to be implemented in order to make the new business prominent in the industrial competitive market. The manager of this particular company could follow the marketing strategies of Starbucks coffee that has opened outnumbered outlets in all corners. The main purpose of the implementation of such strategies is to attract as much as eyes to the activities and existence of such business. There would some sizzlers and other food items in so that it would look like some kind of festival which would be able to attract the attention of people. In this regard the media needs to be involved in order to it could take the form of promotional and publicity activity. The most important principle in marketing strategies is the capability to manage crisis, for instance, if the budget will exceed there should always be a contingency plan that would help the organization to overcome the split second crisis. In this regard the example of TESCO can be cited as the organization has evidently reacted to the risks, competition and complexities related to the marketing strategies. Therefore, the planning and the managing skills regarding the marketing practices of blister hardware stores could be implemented by assessing the strategies of the previous success stories in the industrial region. 3. Methods of reviewing the effectiveness of marketing practices In order to review the effectiveness of the marketing practices it is important to obtain a clear concept about the practices actually means. Practices regarding market strategies can be referred to strategies, methodology, techniques of implementing strategies and tactics or approaches. Hence it is a vital point in this regard to identify the effectiveness of the practices of in order to have an appropriate insight about the success rate of an organization. There are various methods in this regard that can be mentioned like; the assessment of the marketing needs, implementation of more efficient programme design, revisiting the activeness of information systems and most important the market survey. Organizations like Starbucks and TESCO yearly conducts marketing survey in order to gain a proper idea about the effectiveness of their marketing strategies and customer relation strategies and also to improvise them if needed in the succeeding period (Turok and Taylor, 2006). 4. Documentation of the employed processes and activities The implemented marketing strategies and the processes in which, has been exercised in an organizations needs to be recorded for the comprehension about the improvement or the degeneration of the position of such organization in the industrial market. The documentation of such things can be made with the help of the implementation of information technology or software aided technology. The process documentation of organizations like Starbucks and TESCO are implemented in order to acquire and share the planning, project information as they are being developed so that the organization are able to take informed decision and adapt new strategies without revisiting the old information in this regard (Ungan, 2006). 5. Assessing learning skills for implementing appropriate research method It is very important for an organization to obtain a clear concept about the market position and the effectiveness of the marketing strategies in relation to the reaction of the customers and individuals related to the concerned field. In order to generate a proper research method it is very important to have a clear understanding about the learning skills that includes the process of collecting information about the concerned organization and also what other thinks about such marketing practices. In this regard the market survey of the organizations likes TESCO and Starbucks has presented research methods that include the quantitative and qualitative data collection from the market survey along with information related to other marketing practices. In this process the information are being gathered by conducting interviews with customers and employees or individuals acquiring proper comprehension about that particular field (Sindhwani and Ahuja, 2014). 6. Introducing research methods Each and every organization needs to form strategies that address the growth and development of the organization and a targeted group of customers or audience can prove to be the effective tool in this regard. For instance, the leafleting system regarding some information or to introduce some new offers on commodity can attract a particular group of audience. Each and every organization possesses a target group that are prone to any kind of deals and offers and this could draw desired benefit to the company. In this context the example of Starbucks coffee can be given as it has successfully attracted a large amount of customers instead of its high price. The leaflets that explain various deals and upcoming outlets of the coffee shop are able to attract a targeted group of people who does not expressed any previous interest in this regard. Therefore, it can be said that producing leaflets as a part of the marketing practices can be beneficial to an organization (Miocevic and Crnjak-Ka ranovic, 2012). 7. Demonstration of problem solving skills This is an evident fact that with all the positive outcomes of the implementation of effective marketing strategies, there comes some difficulties which could be handled by an efficient practice of problem solving skill. For example, if any issues regarding the ethical practices during the course of market survey of an organization would arouse therefore, it could be solved by convincing the participants or the individuals that no unethical practices regarding this particular activity would be allowed to maintain the comfort level of the participants helping in the survey. In this context example of TESCO can be given that the participants who are participating in the market survey have been assured that the information provided by them will not be disclosed to any third party along with their names and other information. In this regard any form of written assurance can be provided to the participants if needed (Lindon, 2009). 8. Identification of the profile of a relevant marketing segment. In order to provide a place in the market to a product ant organization needs to identify a particular market segment that will more likely to buy the product. The identification of a target group of customers will help in adapting new strategies that would help in gaining more profit in the future to the organization. The marketing strategies of TESCO are represented based on the target group customers who are not well aware of the functions of the retail industry. On the other hand the same thing can be said about the marketing practices of Starbucks coffee that also concentrated on the target group customers. Therefore, it is evident that identifying a particular targeted customer segment would surely help in rebuilding an organizations place in the competitive market (Dibb, 2010). 9. Definition of marketing mix, marketing, targeting and position The definition of the marketing mix can be described in terms of putting the right thing in right place at an appropriate time. The concept of marketing mixed is mainly based on the 4ps namely, price, product, promotion and place and all the four activities are being exercised with the circle of target market. The marketing process consists of three elements segmentation, targeting and positioning. In case of Starbucks and TESCO the market segment is being conducted based on the geographic and demographic aspects along with the economic background? The market segmentation is being employed in order to grab a strong hold in the competitive market. The targeting also can be included in the marketing mix process in which targeting particular segment of the market can encompass all the essential elements of marketing mix and the marketing strategies can be designed in accordance with the marketing mix elements. Finally the positioning can be defined in terms of injecting a particular pro duct within the targeted group of customers with the help of market segmentation and effective implementation of bandwagon theories in this regard (Goi, 2009). 10. Legislation regarding marketing practices In conducting and running a successful business it is important to maintain few rules and regulation within the legal framework for an organization. In this regard it is very important to mention that Starbucks coffee is fully committed to the laws and regulation of the country in which it is operating that has generated few laws regarding the marketing practices within the domain. Starbucks it very much flexible in relation to maintaining laws and regulation accelerated by the government. The legislative aspects in an organization are being employed in order to avoid unethical practices within the organization (Pattersonet al. 2010). 11. Marketing policies The implementation of marketing policies has appeared to be the most vital part to generate effectiveness in the marketing strategies of an organization. In this context the marketing policies of Starbucks can be depicted. The marketing policies includes, Target market The Starbucks outlets in the many corners are being visited by the business minded peoples are the main objective to target such group is generate the desire for Starbucks coffee rather than just to have it. Market trends The company has recognized that contemporary market trends that are able to attract more customers as it has emerged with an customer friendly organization while it is providing music books and Wi-Fi connectivity in all its outlets to the customers. Marketing objectives The main objective of Starbucks coffee is to present the brand globally. Marketing strategies The Starbucks coffee has implemented effective strategies with little more improvement in it. Marketing budget The company has made an investment a large amount of the total budget only in the improvement and adaptation of new marketing policies in recent years. Marketing mix The marketing mix includes the 4ps which are being actively exercised in promoting the brand image. Along with these marketing policies the Starbucks coffee has employed other policies like competitors, strength review, detecting the weaknesses of the marketing strategies and the most importantly the reassessment of the techniques and process on a monthly basis (Haskova, 2015). 12. Product and services The products and services of the Starbucks coffee can be described in this regard. The Starbucks coffee is one of the leading coffee shop outlets in US. It is providing the quality coffee to its customers. The customers are getting attracted more day by day instead of its high price. But the Starbucks is not only providing its customers with coffee but also with such a place where customers are able to enjoy a quality time of their own. It has generated effective marketing strategies with producing customer friendly outlets with quality ambience, music, books and internet connectivity. These marketing strategies have placed the organization on the top of the coffee industry in US (Everything but the coffee: learning about America from Starbucks, 2010). References Dibb, S. (2001). New millennium, new segments: moving towards the segment of one?.Journal of Strategic Marketing, 9(3), pp.193-213. Dorn, M., Messner, C. and Wnke, M. (2016). Partitioning the Choice Task Makes Starbucks Coffee Taste Better.JMB, 1(3-4), pp.363-384. Everything but the coffee: learning about America from Starbucks. (2010).Choice Reviews Online, 47(08), pp.47-4511-47-4511. Goi, C. (2009). A Review of Marketing Mix: 4Ps or More?.IJMS, 1(1). Haskova, K. (2015). Starbucks Marketing Analysis.CRIS - Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study, 2015(1). Haskova, K. (2015). Starbucks Marketing Analysis.CRIS - Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study, 2015(1). Lindon, J. (2009). The skills of problem solving.Child Care, 6(8). Miocevic, D. and Crnjak-Karanovic, B. (2012). The mediating role of key supplier relationship management practices on supply chain orientationThe organizational buying effectiveness link.Industrial Marketing Management, 41(1), pp.115-124. Patterson, P., Scott, J. and Uncles, M. (2010). How the local competition defeated a global brand: The case of Starbucks.Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 18(1), pp.41-47. Sindhwani, P. and Ahuja, V. (2014). A Study of Online Co-Creation Strategies of Starbucks Using Netnography.International Journal of Online Marketing, 4(1), pp.39-51. Turok, I. and Taylor, P. (2006). A skills framework for regeneration and planning.Planning Practice and Research, 21(4), pp.497-509. Ungan, M. (2006). Standardization through process documentation.Business Process Mgmt Journal, 12(2), pp.135-148.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Windows Nt Essays - Advanced RISC Computing, Windows NT,

Windows Nt Windows NT Operating System Windows NT History. Since it was first released in 1993, Microsoft Windows NT Server has established itself as the network operating system (NOS) of choice for countless organizations of all sizes in private industry and public agencies. They have discovered that Windows NT Server is extremely reliable, highly scalable, and capable of handling the complex, mission-critical demands of even large Fortune 500 corporations. But the widespread adoption of Windows NT Server stems from more than just its operating system capabilities. What IT managers in every industry are discovering is that Windows NT Server provides a complete and solid platform for an all-encompassing range of services and activities. It combines the best aspects of an application server, a file and printer server, a communications server, and a Web server -- along with interoperability and management features that make it an excellent NOS for organizations, whether they have mixed computing environments or operate entirely on Windows NT S erver. ?Windows NT provides the backbone for a complete, organic system, where all elements working together seamlessly. When joined with other Windows NT-related products, including the BackOffice family of applications and Windows NT Workstation, Windows NT Server provides the foundation for a powerful and well integrated environment. That integration means that administrators and developers can focus on their jobs, instead of spending time and money wrangling with disparate systems and applications.?1 Scalability. Windows NT runs across both Intel- and RISC- based architectures, providing maximum flexibility and minimizing the number of operating system platforms that businesses need to support. Windows NT runs 32-bit applications , and many 16-bit applications. That's because each 16-bit application can run as a separate, multi-tasked process in its own memory address space--isolated from other active applications. This multi-tasking process also boosts application speed and responsiveness, and provides maximum data and application protection. Windows NT is also licensed for use on Symmetric Multi Processing (SMP) servers with up to eight processors for high scalability. Versions of Windows NT Server, available from select system vendors support even larger SMP servers? up to 32-processor support. Large SMP servers running Windows NT Server represent a powerful upgrade path for enterprise applications that need to handle more users and data. NT Enterprise Edition's 4 GB Memory Tuning feature (4GT) supports servers that have up to 4 GB of RAM. This new capability allows memory-intensive applications running on the OS to use up to 50 percent more RAM on 32-bit Intel-architecture servers. 4GT does this by reducing the potential RAM allocated to the Windows NT kernel from 2 GB to 1 GB and increasing the potential RAM allocated to applications from 2 GB to 3 GB. The result can dramatically improve performance.2 NT Security. The high level of security in Windows NT provides benefits in both standalone and connected environments, and works regardless of your choice of network operating system. That's because Windows NT a virtual gate through which all users, resources, and applications must pass--giving comprehensive control and security. The security features in Windows NT Workstation include: User authentication and access control Industry standard-based certificates to verify the origin of unknown code The Windows NT File System (NTFS) to protect the file system and its contents Auditing to identify potential risks Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) for secure Internet connections With Windows NT, you control which users and applications have access to your crucial data, line-of-business applications, and base operating system--so you can keep your system safe from tampering or user error. And you can set separate user profiles on a single desktop, each with its own set of clearances and prohibitions. ?A secure network system has many characteristics. A baseline measurement of a secure operating system is the U.S. National Security Agency's criteria for a C2-level secure system. Although C2 security is a requirement of many U.S. Government installations, its substantial value extends to any organization concerned about the security of its information.?3 The operating system must protect data stored in memory for one process so that it is not randomly reused by other processes. For example, Microsoft? Windows NT? Server operating system protects memory so that its contents cannot be read after it is freed by a process. In addition, when a file is